National Credit Act
Seminar Part 1
Course notes
We will forward our course notes to you in advance of the lectures in order to give you an opportunity to prepare for the seminar. The lectures will consolidate the course material, highlight relevant areas and answer questions raised on a practical level.
Seminar Part 2:
Saturday lectures:
The course content is as outlined in the syllabus and highlighted in the box below.
Seminar Part 3:
Examination (Optional):
An examination of 100 marks is written.
Seminar Part 4
Results available for students who have written the exam.
Lectures presented
In-house or by agreement at the South African School of Paralegal Studies (Gauteng/North West).
08h30 – 12h30 + 13h30 – 16h30 with 30 min breaks in-between for each session.
The lectures will cover a basic outline of the material, bearing in mind that the students should study the notes for a more comprehensive knowledge of the material covered.
Topics highlighted below will be the focus of the National Credit Act Saturday seminars.
The seminar is therefore aimed at giving a practical working knowledge ot the Act and its pitfalls, with the view of being able to operate not only as a credit provider but also to ensure that customer protection is maintained throughout the customer-credit provider relationship.
Highlights of the seminar
- Introduction
- The basis for the implementation of the National Credit Bill
- A study of the relevant provisions of the Act
- National Credit Regulation
- Purposes of Act
- Application of the Act to consumers
- Several processes for different credit agreements
- Essential provisions of credit agreement
- Pre-commencement and post- commencement credit agreements
- Classification of credit agreements
- Categories of credit agreements
- Credit agreements subject to less stringent regulation
- Registration Requirements
- Enforcement of the Act
- Change of the national credit policy in both legislation and the current approach by the courts, reflecting the change in national opinion on credit and the effect on debtors
To be confirmed.
Suitably experienced and qualified practitioners.
Who should attend these courses?
Any business person who offers credit to a consumer.
How can we arrange a seminar?
Contact us at:
OR simply phone the South African School of Paralegal Studies (Gauteng/North West) at (018) 786 1872 and indicate that you wish to discuss a seminar proposal and our course coordinator will assist you in meeting your specific needs.